Tailor a Seamless Solution to Suit You

Common software packages can deliver great results, however it’s the final tailoring that often provides each business with a seamless solution to deliver a unique selling proposition. That’s why TECHNIA have developed our own brand of business focused tools and templates, created or configured in-house to help our customers get the best out of the PLM products we sell and support, in particular 3DEXPERIENCE, CATIA, SOLIDWORKS and ENOVIA SmarTeam.

What Does Software Automation & Development Cover?

Software Customization

Modification and tailoring of existing software including CAA coding.

Database Services

Database setup, deployment, reporting and maintenance.

Software Integration

Interfacing two or more distinct software packages to work together, interface for one another, exchanging data and commands.

Software Development

Creating software to customer specifications e.g. Utilities. Tools, Macros. Scripts. etc

Use Customizations to Fill the Gaps in Your Requirements

catia virtual training

Minimize Cost of Ownership

TECHNIA respect development best practices to minimize the cost of ownership of any customer specific development. This includes using our up to date knowledge of the latest or planned enhancements to help you to make the best decision for both short and long term.

Eliminate Repetitive Tasks

Many of the solutions developed by TECHNIA help to minimize manual or repetitive tasks, improving both efficiency and quality while freeing up users to perform their day to day roles and add value to the business.

Save Time on Developments

Instead of “redesigning the wheel” use TECHNIA’s vast experience across industries to build on previous developments and implementations, delivering the best solution for you. If there is a common problem your teams are facing, challenge us to solve it for you!

Interested But Not Sure Where To Start?

Book a free, no obligation consultation with one of our technical experts to guide you through.

Discover What's Possible...

  • Specific BOM Export Function (CAD and MBOM)
  • Drawing Border and Drawing Creation
  • Part Numbering
  • Part Numbering and Attribute Validation
  • Generic CAD File Export Automation (e.g. STEP, !GS, 3DXML, PDF)
  • PDF Stamping
  • Batch Processing Tools Using TIF
  • Business Rules/Logic
  • Automated Trigger Based Actions
  • Automated Reports
  • One Off Batch Updates
  • Webpage Formatting
  • Custom Widgets
  • Business Intelligence Reports
  • Automatic Drawing Border with Revision Management (Linked to PLM)
  • Configurable Drafting
  • Bill of Materials
  • Automatic Assembly Instance Renaming
  • Part Attribute Management
  • Point Data Import/Export
  • NACA Profile Generation
  • Laser Target Point Management
  • Drafting Table Import/Export
  • Drafting Hole Table from 3D Model
  • CATIA Product from Microsoft XL BOM
  • Best Practise CATIA Environments (Including drafting standards, thread specs etc.)
  • CAA Custom Utilities
ENOVIA SmarTeam Tools
  • Customizable Part Numbering Panel
  • Transmittal Utility to Automate and Record the Distribution of Data
  • Non-Workflow Notification Process with Microsoft Outlook Integration
  • Compare Old Revision of CATIA File with Current
  • Numerous Attribute Management Utilities (Auto-population of meta data)
  • Security and Data Integrity Utilities (Validation of user and input data)

Speak to Our Experts